How to FINALLY Stop Fighting With Yourself Over Getting Fit and Staying Fit


Without Willpower, Self-Discipline,

or Accountability





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Perpetual Fitness Plan Quick Guide

One-page Perpetual Plan Template

9 Principles For Daily Exercise Quick Guide

Exercise Trauma Clearing Process Reference

Exercise Preference Guide

Delmar Davis

Wellness & Life Coach

Founder of End the Fight

At War With Ourselves Over Fitness

We come to a place in our lives where we grasp the significance of health, energy, and vitality.

We see that these attributes determine how much and how long we can do what is most precious to us.

We know healthy activity is essential to this vitality.

And to staving off the disorders that become insurmountable if not addressed.

Yet despite knowing this, we still struggle to get started and to stick with fitness activities.

So we go to war with ourselves trying to do the good things we want to be doing for our good health.

And we end up stuck again in that familiar stop-and-start cycle of enthusiasm, frustration, and discouragement.

That is the problem this book solves. . .

How to get daily exercise with ease and enjoyment so we may have energy and vitality to live our best lives. . .

How to become a Perpetual Exerciser, no longer requiring willpower, self-discipline, or accountability. . .

How to end the fight to get fit.

The Perpetual Exerciser

There are people I call Perpetual Exercisers.

They exercise daily with a sense of ease and effortlessness.

They don't need willpower, self-discipline, or accountability to do so.

Now here's the REALLY interesting thing. . .

They are not different on the surface from those who struggle with fitness.

They don't have different scheduling demands, or jobs, or family responsibilities, or base levels of health, or a different number of hours in a day.

They don't have more self-discipline and aren't more athletically inclined.

And they are at ALL ages and stages of life.

They just think about and experience exercise differently from those who struggle.

That's all.

Perpetual Exercisers have a different set of beliefs about exercise and about themselves.

These can be adopted.

They know how to choose activities based upon their individual needs, abilities, lifestyle, and preferences.

This can be discovered.

They do healthy activities that are enjoyable and fun, which removes any need for willpower or self-discipline.

This can be experienced.

How End the Fight Is Different

Here's most of what you see in the fitness world:

> Sales of equipment, gym memberships, supplements, etc.

> Super-fit trainers pushing one-size-fits-all programs

> Coaches offering motivation as a solution

These work for some people for a while.

But not for most.

And not over time.

The problem is that they deal with symptoms, rather than causes.

Which results in having to pick a fight with ourselves again.

To get at causes, we must address underlying mindset barriers.

Without doing so, we drift from any plan, no matter how good it is.

We must solve for the practical, tactical lifestyle obstacles.

Without doing so, our real-world barriers will chip away at our best intent.

We must make a plan based upon our unique needs, preferences, and abilities.

Off-the-shelf plans are made for someone else's life, based upon what worked for them.

End the Fight is a simple, practical, reality-based approach.

And as far as I can tell, no one else is doing this.

Mary B

I discovered hidden blocks to my pursuing fitness and taking exceptional care of myself, but also hidden desires for wellbeing, strength, stamina, and perhaps even expressing my athleticism. I now understand why exercise and fitness supports my highest ideal for my life, and I am active so much more than I was before I started End the Fight.

Stephen G

Delmar and his model were so helpful in reorienting my relationship to my body and moving it around. I came to recognize all the "fighting" metaphors I had bought into that somehow put me up against this body and its desire to move and be strong and flexible. What a relief to let go of that madness! Now exercise, movement, and fitness just *flow.*

Joe F

I overcame the notion that exercise has to be hard work. I now have a fitness plan that I enjoy and that has multiple variations so as to never get boring.

Jane L

I found that I had all the pieces (fitness programs, equipment, and most importantly, experience) to answer my fitness needs. I just didn't have the perspective to know how to put them together into a personalized program that would actually work for me and grow with me, that I would enjoy, and that I would stick with. And now, thanks to Delmar, I do!

Maureen B

End the Fight provided for me powerful clarity and motivation to gently begin on my path toward fitness in the face of a history of decades of chronic pain.

Ed G

I have been sporadic and erratic in scheduling exercise for years. I made a plan! I am showing up consistently. I feel a different relationship with exercise and less pressure as I "ease in."

Despi M

I've always viewed exercise as a miserable way to spend my time, so I never prioritized it. Delmar helped me see that exercise can be fun, and that the element of fun is actually the secret to making it work in my life.

Donald F

End the Fight not only altered my attitude about exercise but also radically changed my fundamental view of approaching each day like Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill. I found I could overcome psychological blocks and 'ease into' each moment, experiencing with repetition the good feelings that give meaning to the day. It was life enhancing.

The Book

End the Fight to Get Fit contains the complete process I've used for years with one-to-one clients, in group coaching engagements, and in the online course.

It will take you through the steps to becoming a Perpetual Exerciser.

You will find ease and joy in healthy activity.

You will have in hand a fitness plan that fits your life, as it is.

A plan that works for you, rather than you working for it.

A plan that finally ends your fight to get fit.

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Exciting Day!


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My life's work in the healing arts and sciences explores how we may rediscover our innate health with greater ease and joy.

This journey led me to licensing as a clinical massage therapist, certifying as a personal fitness trainer and life coach, and being an obsessive student of wellness and of what makes life work well.

And it's a deeply fulfilling privilege to travel this path with friends!


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